With over MILLIONs of FREE Wi-Fi access points used by our users globally, you can connect to free Wi-Fi with WiFi Master Key (by en.wifi.com)!
Search & connect to a shared WiFi access point indicated with one blue key. EASY and SAFE.
★ Cost savings
Save data costs by connecting free WiFi access points.
★ Easy and fast
just by searching the blue key and press to connect with WiFi!
★ Safe and secure
All shared passwords will not be disclosed. It is encrypted to protect the privacy and security of users.
★ Easy to understand in many languages
Available in Thai, Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Portuguese, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, Indian, Turkish .... Will be coming soon in other languages.
★ Rejection / agreement
- WiFi Master Key is not a hacking tool. It can not help to unlock keywords from Wi-fi access points that are not shared by users. Hacking is illegal.
With the development of our community of over 900 MILLION users, we are determined to build a trusted foundation for everyone to enjoy the Internet. Then join the world's largest WiFi sharing community right now! If you can not find a shared access point yet, do not worry, give the community some time to expand. We handle nearly 400 BILLION connections every day and this number is growing rapidly. There will be more Wifi sharing that can help you to connect on-line and surf the Internet for free!
★ Judge us to show your concern! It means so much for our progress!
★ Have a question? Have any feedback or suggestions? Of course, we are happy to hear it - write it here or on our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/wifimasterkeyindonesia
Spread it out and keep on sharing WiFi!
- It's a very stable usage, using only a small amount of memory
- More user friendly and easier to use.
- Connection improved with algorithm optimization.
Many hotspots are updated to this new version to improve the connection process! :)
Suggestion? officialwifimasterkey@gmail.com
Download WiFi Master Key v4.1.110 APK
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